Mereu ne cuprinde dilema: "Ce să purtăm de sărbători?" Căci "Ce să port azi?" e deja o problema mai mică, eternă a femeilor.Astăzi încerc să vă ajut un pic.Recent am descoperit magazin-ul online Sherry London care este extrem de variat și vine cu o mulțime de outfit-uri perfecte pentru zilele festive.
If the problem "What to wear today?" is big then what to wear for New Year's eve is bigger.Today I'll help you a bit.Recently been browsing a lovely shop called Sherry London with so many beautiful choices.I'll try to come up with some advices or maybe comments about every outfit.So,let's go!
If the problem "What to wear today?" is big then what to wear for New Year's eve is bigger.Today I'll help you a bit.Recently been browsing a lovely shop called Sherry London with so many beautiful choices.I'll try to come up with some advices or maybe comments about every outfit.So,let's go!