Yes,love is in the air,indeed,especially now.All the shops are full of red balloons hearts,postcards,pinky teddy bears and just lots of red-ish,pinky things.It became more a matter of business than love itself actually,because I was surprised to see all these things just after the period of Christmas.But we know that love should be celebrated every day,by simple things and not expensive gifts.On the other hand,it's a good ocasion for gifts,no matter from who and if just for ourselves,why not? We can't love someone if we don't love ourselves enough.
The guys from Prestige flowers,showed me some love and sended this gorgeous bouquet along with a yummy treat.The perfect way to add some sunshine to your day,moreover here in London,where the sun is a luxury.Thank you,Michael! I would totally recommend Prestige Flowers to choose your Valentine Flowers Beside flowers you can choose also lots of lovely gifts,just take a look ;)
Don't forget,spread and share love e-v-e-r-y day!
A post in friendly collaboration with Prestige Flowers
Salut! M-am tot gândit la acest post,să fie sau nu,și iată însfîrșit e.E un fel de tradiție ca la finele fiecărui an să postez cele mai bune ținute,chiar dacă acum poate părea un pic tîrziu fiindcă suntem deja la sfîrșitul lunii Ianurie,incredibil cât de repede a zburat.Astăzi se împlinește exact o jumătate de an de când locuiesc în Londra.Din păcate nu prea am fost activă cu blog-ul dar sper ca această situație să se schimbe cât de curând.Deci, care look-ul favorit? x
Hey guys! Been thinking a lot about this blog post and finally is up.It's like a tradition to do such kind of post,even if seems a bit late because it's almost the end of January,how fast it flew,huh? And today I have exactly a half of year since I am in London.Unfortunately I haven't been very active since I arrived in this big capital but hope the things will change.I'm struggling with other problems and my blog it's on the 2nd place now.Anyway, what's your favorite look of the last year?
Velvet,sequins,florals? You decide what you will wear in the night between the years.I have made a quick selection of some of my favorite dresses I'd love to wear number 4, and you?
Happy New Year!!!