Cami Dress - Front Row Shop / Slipons - Quiz Clothing / Shirt - Terranova / Bag- Debenhmams
I used to wear shirts like this in high school (like many of you I guess) and I like that this simple thing became a trend now.But what I like the most is when I can combine utility with fashion.For example,this dress worn as a top from the previous blog post is a bit transparent and I can't wear it on the streets,but with my oldie plaid shirt it goes very well.With a shirt tied around the waist I can wear this gray beauty on the streets,it's just a little detail but helped me to wear what I like!
Speak to you soon,
Vic x
Gri este culoarea mea preferată la moment și o culoare de top pentru toamnă/iarnă 2014-2015.În combinație cu argintiu e pur și simplu combinația ideală,două nuanțe care se combină de minune.Mereu mi-a plăcut argintiul mai mult decât auriul (în materie de bijuterii dar și în general) Îmi plac mult nuanțele de metal în îmbrăcăminte,desigur trebuie să avem mare grijă unde le purtăm și mai ales cum le asortăm,astfel putem fi ușor confundați cu un pom de Crăciun.Această fustă argintie e un pic festivă și poate cu ușurință înlocui o rochie elegantă la un eveniment.Vouă vă plac hainele cu accente metalice?
Gray is my favorite color and the top color for the upcoming Fall/Winter 2014-2015.In combination with silver is the perfect match,two shades made for each other.I have always loved silver and never been a fan of gold though metallics in general are great in clothing.Of course it depends where do you wear metallics,you don't wanna look like a Christmas tree,right? For me this skirt is a bit festive,can successfully replace a dress at a prom/wedding and so on.Are you a fan of metallics?

You just can't imagine how happy I was when I opened the box and found these super pretty,comfy,trendy and nice slipons! Huuge love at the first sight.I've been wanted a pair of slipons for a long time and recently found a cute pair in a trift store but now I don't need any other pair,just these perfections!
How STUNNING they are?
Happy Friday beauties,
Victoria xx
Happy Friday beauties,
Victoria xx
Oh course you heard about Werelse. If not then,let me tell you that it is a concept brand made by three international fashion bloggers: Chiara Ferragni from Andy Torres from and Carolina Engman from
Recently,Werelse launched a collection of accessories working alongside the Mango team.
In my opinion this is an amazing collaboration and a real example for nowadays bloggers,becouse this shows us the power of fashion bloggers and their versality.From fashion bloggers to jewerly accessories designers.It is a great colection and a new fabulous vision for those who think that blogging means only posting photos and text.I hope we'll see in the future and other collections and why not other bloggers involved in collaborations like this.
And what a surprise! We have the laptop silver case,contrast asymmetric leather pumps and ankle strap wedges available in our country!