Probabil una din cele mai emoționante zile de când scriu pe acest blog,ziua când voi urmări un fashion-show pentru prima dată,unde voi fi în calitate de blogger official.Abia aștept să văd colecțiile,design-erii dar și modelele.Mă bucur enorm că voi urmări o prezentare de modă pentru prima dată ever în România.Evenimentul va avea loc la Teatrul Național din Iași - unul din cele mai superbe teatre din întreaga lume.Revin neapărat cu impresii și poze.
Today I'm gonna attend this event as an official blogger for the first time ever and I'm more than excited! Can't wait to see the show,collections and models.A real fashion show with 15 international and national designers.The event will be held at the Vasile Alecsandri Theatre from Iasi (Romania) - One of the most beautiful Theatre according to BBC.So It's gonna be fun!
Vick xx
So guys as you know,last week I attended my first ever fashion show in Romania.I must say that I was impressed by the location,guests,models,designers and some collections.Because some were splendid but some like I "made the collection just to become a designer" But I'll focus on what I liked,so here is what I really enjoyed.The show was broadcasted live on youtube,which was a big plus.I attended only the show in the first evening and in the second watched from my comfortable sofa.
The first collection was by Aly Fawaz from Dubai