
Merry Christmas loves! Hope you had a fantastic day yesterday and all ready for the Boxing Day. As far as I know, the bigest sales are today in UK, not on the black friday. At least, last year it was absolutely insane at Harrods, full with crazy shoppers. This year I'm spendig the holidays home, together with my family, which is priceless. Two days ago I came home from my vacation, and can not wait to show you the pictures. But today is Boxing Day, we don't have this holiday here, but it's all about unboxing gifts, which is wow, what can be more exciting than this? Maybe being a Santa?
It's the best time of the year to throw happiness around with gifts and joy, so this post is about what I bought for my friends and family. So let's go!

For Mum:
I tend to buy useful gifts, not just something you would throw away after one month, so this wallet was a good choice, as her older one was veery old and very used.

For Dad
It's very tricky to buy a gift for a man, especially for your dad. I always ask myself: what shall I buy? The cute bulldog caught my attention, moreover that 2018 's zodiac sign is the earth dog and his year, so double points. But a moisturizer is indeed a good choice for a winter gift.

For Sister

A balm and a moisturizer is the perfect match for a cold winter. Mini-little things and musts for every girl's bag. Agree?

For a friend
It's easy to buy a gift for a woman, endlessly sets and nice things: perfumes, mugs, scarfs, socks and so on. And of course cosmetics.

For myself:
Can you resist the temptation to not buy something for yourself? Nah, never.

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