We all love new clothes, and a change of season usually means a shake up of the wardrobe and a bit of a shopping spree. But buying all new outfits a few times a year can be expensive, and winter fashion is particularly expensive since you need substantial items like coats and boots which tend to cost more. If you’re looking to build your winter wardrobe without a whole lot of cash in the bank, here are a few ideas!
Sell The Old To Fund The New
A wardrobe stuffed full of clothes and not a thing to wear- most of us know this feeling well. This is a result of hanging onto items that no longer fit, aren’t in style or we just don’t like any more. If this is the case, why not sell off everything and use the funds to buy new clothes? You could use an app like Depop and sell items individually, or create bundles and sell them as job lots on eBay. Since these kinds of parcels will be on the heavier side you will need a good courier, check out reviews of Shiply and other similar companies and see which work best with your budget. You could also sell items on Facebook groups, Gumtree or at boot fairs. Providing the items are still in good condition there will be someone out there willing to take them off your hands and pay for the privilege.
Host Swap Parties With Friends
Instead of directly selling your items for cash, another option would be to host clothes swapping parties with friends. Here you each bring a selection of items you no longer wear and put them in a pile, and everyone can choose things that they want from it. It’s a great way to snag yourself some new items and put clothes you no longer wear to their best use. If you and your friends are similar sizes you could end up with quite a few items for your wardrobe, and best of all you could make a night of it too. Put out some food and drinks and use it as an opportunity to socialise!
Check Out Charity Shops
Charity shops can be home to some real gems- designer items, those that have hardly been worn and rare pieces that are just perfect. You probably won't be able to get your whole winter wardrobe this way, but it’s worth popping in on a regular basis and seeing what’s there. If you’re able to snag a coat, some jackets and good quality winter dresses you could save yourself an absolute fortune compared with buying new in the shops.
Shop Sales and Bargains
Finally, checking out sales will allow you to nab items for much less than the RRP- follow your favourite stores on social media so you’ll be first to hear about their sales. Shops like Primark, Matalan and even supermarkets do lovely clothes that don’t cost much, so you could shop here to pick up a few key pieces.