Colourful Stripes
A winter combinated with spring - that's what we have right now.In one day:sunny warm weather but tomorrow cold wind with snow.Personally,can't wait for spring! On the last saturday I went to a thrift store.A thrift store is like a golden mine - you never know what you'll find.I was quite surprised to discover: a very cheap velvet skirt from Benetton,lots of pretty sweaters from Vero Moda,black pants from Zara etc.I even saw there a pair of white boots Dr. Martens,unfortunetelly they weren't my size :( I ended up buying a leather satchel from Pieces and a H&M green parka,which I've wanted for so long.I'll show you them soon in an outfit post.By the way,because it is the "month of love" I'm thinking about doing a makeup or hair tutorial,what do you say? :)
Have a wonderful week!